
My changes gently created by  ACC DE 10

Page history last edited by Josef Scherer 14 years, 9 months ago

If we want to take our meme for ACC DE 10 seriously we should first observe what it changed for us. This page wants to provide an opportunity how ACC DE 10 created change for ourselves as participants. I would suggest a structure like on the position papers page with a section for every participant, but I'm fine with any other structure that feels suitable. While some changes might be important but nevertheless too personal or confidential to share I want to offer a virtual thumb-o-meter, which measures the impact / changes that ACC DE 10 had to us as participants. Starting with the first 48 hours we will extend the time span every week. See http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFRZY2lfVXlCVFQxV3Rya1hHajNfelE6MQ




  • I reserved the venue for 22. - 24.04.2011, just in case we want to do it there again
  • I created this page and a google survey regarding the radicalness of changes gently created for us
  • I started to organize a visualization workshop with Martin Hausmann
  • I've connected myself to all the other participants
  • I think about
    • lego, games and organizing a serious game unconference
    • appreciation cards
  • I want to realize Co Coaching in the second half of 2011


@criamon (Heiko)

Becomming self employed just at the beginning of April created a lot of change allready, so I've been to ACCDE10 to follow the waves allready there ;) But still, I found some waves to enforce/ride on:


  • I will attend the visualization workshop with Martin Hausmann this year (I planned to do this later)
  • Olaf with his lego games and the marshmallow challenges did enforce the "I want to do serious games"-wave (@martinheider I'll call you)
  • ... think there are more changes to come 


@teamfuture17 (Christine Neidhardt)

The ACC10 showed me, that I could have lots of fun and success outside the organic market which I claimed my main focus for so many years. I'm very open for change now and fascinated by the openness and creativity of the agile movement.

  • I agreed to meet with other agile coaches to think about useful cooperation
  • I made first steps to quit engagements in the organic sector to have more free space
  • I connected with a lot of interesting and sympatic coaches from the ACC in twitter


@marcbless (Marc Bless)

ACCDE10 was an amazing experience both as an organizer and as an attendee.


  • I wrote daily reports of the ACCDE10 on my blog
  • I published the results of my spontaneous "The One Book" survey
  • I already ordered and received "Wave Rider" by Harrison Owen
  • I'm thinking of founding a registered association "Agile Coach Camp Germany e.V." to support the Agile Coaches community with organizational issues for the next camps. If anyone is interested to join thinking, you're welcome.
  • I connected with many other attendees
  • I feel as enlightened as never before
  • I'm really looking forward to ACCDE11 


@IlIlIIlIlIlIlII (Sven Tiffe)

#accde10 teached me many things. Apart from the Bibiti Bibiti Bob game ;-) I learned many new views, techniques, thoughts in the various sessions but also more about my personal interest in agile software development. Changes for me include

  • the insight that you don't need to be a rockstar or luminary to share your thoughts which encouraged me to really start blogging
  • that "dance as if nobody watched you and tweet as nobody followed you" is also a good motto for sharing ideas
  • I will approach some estimation and planning aspects in a different way though I still trust more in the committment of a team than in the addition of numbers 


@elPedroMajor (Pierre  NEIS)

What is to say about ACCDE10? Amazing... Great... Gorgeous....


  • I came to feed myself with the Team insights (you & I were the Team)
  • I found a Family
  • I past marvellous discussion
  • But... anyway... done is done
  • ACCDE10 brought the highest value in less time
  • I’m in IN for next iteration


@ipreuss (Ilja)

  • I feel much more bold about stepping out of my comfort zone  (thanks to Sandra, Christine (aka Bobby McFerrin ;) and Klaus for being role models) and trying new, perhaps even "silly" things
  • I'm excited about becoming a coach, and feel much more confident about becoming a consultant
  • my decision to take co-active coaching training strengthened
  •  I'm still amazed by being part of such a great, passionate and self-organizing organizing team


@p_pugliese (Pierluigi)

I am still unclear about the span of the "gently created changes", but they were definitely big and radical - and also not that gentle! :-) Curiously this is the first time where what I learned stays in the shadows of what I am still learning after the event. I mean: I definitely got in touch with many great people and a lot of new ideas that I am integrating in my daily practice (and they do work indeed!), but ACCDE10 also brought to my mind some very important questions I need to answer in my approach as coach, and I'm still working on possible answers, learning more and more each day.

Because of how these questions came to me, I needed to retire for a while from as much of the world as I could have allowed me to in order to elaborate on these topics, hence my disappearing from twitter and blogging for a while.

Thanks to all the participants again and looking forward to meet you again at ACCDE11! 



It's hard to tell

  • I've met Simon, Krishan, Martin and Christine since then once more (Certainly not the last time :)
  • I enjoyed walking the talk again (thanks to Christine).
  • I'm more confident in applying solution focused coaching as I see others (Klaus, Pierluigi) doing it or teaching it as well
  • it was a perfect sequel to the retrospectives facilitator gathering and I see some patterns emerge like:

    - clarifying the coaching contract for a coaching session is an important thing to do

    - retrospectives should be performed at the beginning of any change initiative to make a better fit with the context (every case is different :)

    - it's not a problem to be both an consultant, trainer and coach, as long it is clear, what is needed in certain situations (allways clarify with the client first!)


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